
Showing posts from April, 2016

day 15

So today was the last day :(  it feels really strange to be on our own as most of the group are off to the airport already back to the UK. We had most of the day to wander around Lima.  I ended up taking a cab down to the catacombs with Terry.  They were interesting to see, and not nearly as crazy as other ones I've seen.  Had chicha Morada on a sundae and as a drink with lunch, it's a sweet corn beverage that is tasty. Wandered off to see the ocean and am now burning time until the bus at 830 and then back to real life.

day 14

Had a day in Arequipa today.  We head back to lima this afternoon but toured around the city a little but today.  We toured the giant convent back from back when it was mandatory for girls to join.  It has its own streets and has a modern area for the current 15 nuns.  Had an amazing lunch and headed back.  It's a lovely city Centre and an unattractive outskirts.   Tomorrow is the last day of touring and then we leave at midnight tomorrow night.   Hoping to do a city tour tomorrow.  There are some catacombs I would like to see!

day 13

The trip is quickly winding down to an end.  Happy for home but sad to leave Peru.  Didn't do too much today.   It's a lot of travel days but today's highlight was seeing condors at colca   canyon.  It was great to see but a little underwhelming from what I expected.  But we've arrived in Arequipa the second largest city in peru.  The main square is lovely the rest of the city not so much!

day 12

One word.  Flamingos!!  Spotted them today.  Not many but enough. It's been a semi busy day.  Lots of bus time but lots of stops.  Had enough time for a visit to the hot springs and an early start tomorrow to see condors!!

days 10 and 11

Back to the land of the wifi!  It feels so sad saying that but it's true that it's a nice thing to have. It's been a busy couple days.  We had a home stay on an island on lake titicaca that was very rural.  We were all very nervous because nobody knew what to expect but it was a great experience and the people were very welcoming even without speaking the same language. Before dressing up in traditional clothing we helped the family peel potatoes.  Better than the plowing and plantings other people had to do. Today we did a walk up to the highest point on the island which kicked my ass and let me join the redneck club.  Have a few little spots of red.  And here I was doing so well. After we said our goodbyes we headed back on lake titicaca to the floating islands in the uros which is a strange sort of place.  They have to perpetually continue rebuilding the islands, all to live their traditional life with no taxes. I have to say, the Peruvians and Incans are oddl

day 9

Another busy day.  Did the sacred valley on a tour outside of the group with another guy on the trip.  It was a little weird to be with a different group after a week together but we had a good day.  I think it would have been better before machu picchu but it was still a worthwhile day. Tomorrow we're off to our home stay at Lake titicaca which means no wifi.  So it'll be a few nights before anymore updates.  

day 8

How it got to be day 8 baffles me.  But I suppose I'm about half done now.  Had a good but busy day yesterday.  Opted out of a second machu picchu visit.  Was fabulous but pricey to go a second time.  Instead a group of us headed to a waterfall.  Was a lot longer than we expected  to get there but lovely and very worth the hike along the railroad! And then back to Cusco via bus and train.  It's so dark here you can even see the stars while driving.  Had a late dinner and now I'm up early for today's tour of the sacred valley.

day 7

Hello machu picchu.  It is an amazing place to visit.  Coming up on the train and rising up into the Andes covered with fog was an indescribable moment.  It was a real experience.  I did the hike up to the sun get where they arrive from the Inca trail.  And that little hike kicked my ass so it's good I didn't do the big hike!  I have lots of pictures so be prepared...  

day 6

Had a big day in cusco.  I did a city tour and mom did a city wander with marion.  It was a busy day but tiring.  I'd write more but I have to be up in about 6 hrs to make our way to machu picchu!!!!!  Here's hoping hotel in Aguas Caliente has wifi

day 4 & 5

We stayed at this lovely hacienda last night, it was next to a cute little River and had peacocks roaming the yard.  But no wifi.  We were the saddest bunch ever.  And then tonight's hotel wasn't working well and when we got to the restaurant with wifi we went nuts. But we are in cusco, the biggest city near machu picchu.  We have a free day tomorrow and then it's off to machu picchu.  It's the highlight for most people but I'm finding it incredibly interesting to see everything.  And am still holding out for flamingos. Got a bit of a case of altitude sickness.  Thought I would be good but I got hit with dizziness.  Several of us got it to varying degrees but now that I've been up high for a fee days I'm feeling better.

day 3

Lots of driving today.  Looks like most of the excitement will be later when we visit a cemetery and mummies and then a visit to the planetarium later tonight to learn how the stars correspond with the nazca lines. Opted out of the plane ride to see from above but climbed the tower to see a few of the lines!  Will update more tomorrow after the big driving day.  We started heading up the Andes on our way to machu picchu.  It's a couple long days of driving but the scenery so far has been really great so it'll be a nice relaxing couple days

day 2

Was a busy day today with boat rides to see birds, an oasis in the desert, and a liquor tasting of pisac.  The weather is still fabulous.  Finally met the whole group and there are only 13 of us which is a big change from past tours where it has been over 40.  Can't believe it's going to be day 3 tomorrow already.  Tomorrow we visit the famous nazca lines.  We've opted out of the flight but will see a few from the viewing platform and hope it's good!  

day 1

We've arrived!  Lima is a very balmy city.  It was 28 above last night at I'd night when we landed.  Successfully made it to the hotel and had a bit of a day of touring around today.  The tour starts in about half an hour for a welcome meeting and then we are off tomorrow for our excitement.  The people here are really welcoming and the ritzy part of the city, Miraflores, that we are staying in is incredibly green and tidy.  And 6 blocks away from the ocean. Tomorrow we depart for Ica and the Ballantine island which has been recently marketed as mini Galapagos for all the sea life that is there.  I know there are definitely sea lions there!

Welcome to Peru

Welcome again for the first big trip of the year!  If you haven't seen it check back a bit for a bonus Mexico post.  Where I blogged when I hadn't been drinking!  Good times. Anyways, 2016 is the year of a new continent, South America.  I'll be visiting Peru for 2 weeks with my Mom in mid-April.  It's another bus trip, as I like the ease of booking things while still seeing a massive part of the country I'm visiting.  There is no way I could do this on my own and I like feeling a little pampered while I travel.  I'm off with Exodus this time so it's a smaller group, about half the size of the usual tours I've done.  And it's a British company so I'm mildly amused while reading the tour notes to bring torches and jumpers and which hotels have lifts. Below I have a map of where I'm going so you might have some basic idea of where things are.  If you're curious where Peru actually is it is located on the North Pacific side of South Amer