Denpasar to Ubud

Day 11

Today is another travel day, heading back to Bali for our second visit.  We are heading to Ubud in the middle of Bali for our final 3 nights.

hotel in Labuan Bajo, view from the balcony
We did try to sit on the beach this morning, but left as the giant bee seemed to think they were his chairs and we were in the way.  It was huge.  And close to the size of my thumb.  And on the way back we spotted a tiny bird that looked not much bigger than the bee.  The grounds here seemed to be really good for bird watching as there were a couple guys on the tour that were really into the birds and they spent most of the morning wandering around looking at birds.

Now it's just waiting for the flight, which is now #8 for me of this trip.  I feel very well traveled this vacation.  Typically my holidays include more bus time than airplane time.  The Komodo airport is small on the departure side as well.  But it feels like there are more staff than travelers right now.  The coffee shop has 6 people working right now.  And all the people at the check in desks were spinning in their chairs looking really bored.

our plane back to Denpasar
Upon arrival in Denpasar it's about an hour and a half to Ubud.  It's a very scenic drive so I can't complain too much.  It does seem to be more of an arts and crafts sort of place.  You see all sorts of statues, wood working and gold and silversmiths.  We've also seen a lot of the infamous Liwak coffee.  For those who aren't familiar it is coffee beans that are fed to the civit cats and then retreived from the other end.  It's very expensive as one civit can't eat that many beans.  But there were a lot of places that were selling it.  What I want to know is who was the person who found these beans and thought that they should roast them up and have a cup of coffee.

The hotel is outside of town.  It also has beautiful grounds and a swimming pool to enjoy.  And with being outside of town you can take the free shuttle into town.  It's about a 20 minute walk to get there.  But there aren't really any sort of sidewalks to get you there easily.

We went into town for dinner and a wander.  It was dark by the time we were finished and heading back to the shuttle pick up.  One thing I did notice is that they do have lots of sidewalks in town but they are in pretty poor condition.  And it was a bit terrifying to see what was under them sometimes.  But we made it back to the hotel for some relaxation time.

And as today was a pretty chill day I shall share with you the story of the Indonesian Rupiah.  I thought that I had seen some crazy exchange rates on other trips.  But the rate while I was there was approxamately 10,000 Rupiahs to 1 Canadian dollar.  Nope.  I didn't accidentally add any extra zeros.  I did luck out that you could take off the last 4 zeros and had a decent exchange rate.  It was 17,000 to one British pound.  For the most part things here are fairly inexpensive.  Even a more expensive meal would only run you 300,000 a person.  So 30$.  The largest bills are 100,000 Rupiahs, and the smallest coin we got was 100.  So a fraction of a cent.  And they were really light coins.  I dumped them in a tip jar somewhere on the way out.  It was just a bit surreal getting money before I left and having the lady at the exchange congratulate me on being a millionaire.  If only it was a Canadian million.


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