Home Again

Now that I'm home again vacation is starting to just feel like a wonderful memory.  It's a little sad how fast it can end.  But the trip didn't really feel like it flew along at a crazy pace.  And now it's back to real life!

Our last day in London we had extra time in the morning to wander around but we still had to have our bags out at a specific time and that threw the schedule a little bit.  But I was up early and walked down to Trafalgar square.  I'm still a little awed at the sheer size of London but how incredibly walkable the city is.  Also it was really nice to get there before the tourists and take pictures when it was just me!  And of course I fit in one last waffle.  That's a delight I will miss.

We did survive the plane ride.  Air Canada had a far better crew on the way back home than on the way there, I might consider traveling with them again for an international flight.  The one thing I did find amusing is Heathrow airport.  That place is incredibly huge.  And fancy.  They have a few little regular stores to shop in (and Harrods, the airport location was far easier to shop than the store!) but most of the stores are high priced.  Would you like an Hermes scarf, some Miu Miu shoes,  or how about an new Prada outfit?  You can get all that at the airport.  I almost felt not fancy enough for the airport.  But then I made it out of the waiting room and down into the gates and felt right at home.

I'm a little in disbelief of all that we saw and did in a few short weeks but now I'll have memories and pictures to last a lifetime.  And now that I am home I am going to put up pictures for people to see to go along with the blog.  I'll keep you all updated on that!   I have a lot of pictures so it'll take time to get them on the computer.


  1. Hi Noodle!
    Looking forward to seeing more of your pictures!
    What was your favorite thing out of the whole trip?

    1. It is a tough choice of my favorite thing. I'm leaning towards neuscwanstein castle and the bridge behind. It was amazing to be there and see something that has been around for so long!

    2. That castle does look amazing and I've always wanted to go there, glad to hear that it was as good as it looks!
      Did you get any exciting clogs like your mom did? She put a picture on Facebook of tulip clogs with little upturned toes!

    3. Funnily enough she was taking pictures of my slippers. They are awesome, I know she's jealous of them!


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