Crazy King Ludwig and his castles

I must say I didn't really know what to expect with the bus tour experience but it has been pretty good so far. People tend to mostly keep to their pairs but we don't really have any objectionable members. The driving is also nice because the bus lulls you to sleep so you never really feel that tired during the day. It is really fast paced but we are still seeing a nice highlight of the places. Today we decided not to go on the extra dinner but are the only ones who didn't. So it's pretty quiet around the hotel tonight.

I think that the biggest issue is keeping organized. Having to pack up the suitcase every day or so takes a lot of preparation. Especially when we need to have them outside while we are having breakfast, no time in the morning for organizing. But we are almost half way through and it's not too bad. And because our group was too cool for name tags I barely know half of the names, but get the impression that it isn't just me!

The weather is still gorgeous today. It's almost been a little too warm for touring but today was so much easier with sun than the rain. We are still in Germany today. It was castle day. Our tour included going to neushwanstein so that was our morning. We started out through the Bavarian alps again. Now I had seen the contestants on the amazing race visit the castle so I had a vague idea of what was happening. Wonderfully, and probably because the people on this tour are older folks the tour graciously had us go up in a bus. I really don't think I or most of the tour would have made it up if we had to walk. But we did make it to the top and started our tour at Mary's bridge. It is above the castle and up above the nearby stream/waterfall. It was such a beautiful view. Even if the bridge was really high and wobbly. After that we went for our official tour of king ludwig's castle. Because he was rumored to be crazy and died suddenly only one floor was ever finished. So they filled some of the empty space with gift shops. And he lived here for less than 4 months. I'd feel bad for him but then we went to linderhof castle.

Linderhof was considered his more livable home. And it was finished. And covered with gold leaf. And on his floor in each corner he had waiting rooms for his servants so he didn't have to deal with them if he didn't want to. It was so ornate, he decorated every square inch of that mansion. It was quite the tour. Then the more adventurous and able went up to his grotto. Now that was an insane walk. The path was on a crazy incline and it was hard going. But we made it and toured his fake cave up on the hill. I guess that is what was in fashion at the time. Also, he seemed to think that castle building was his hobby. I guess when you are the king you can build whatever you want!

After all the castle excitement we ended up wandering around the town. It's so cute with all the frescos on all the buildings. I went down to the ones with hansel and gretel and red Riding hood. So cute. The town is really nice but we ran out of time as it all shut down at 6 like usual.

Tomorrow we leave Germany for Venice so it looks like it will be a big driving day again. But we are stopping off in Austria on the way and going through the alps so it should be a good day anyways!

And I just wanted to say that I'm excited that people are reading this. I hope I'm keeping you entertained on our tours and thanks for reading. Also, I think I got the comments to work. I could be wrong but I tried to get them up again.

But I'm off to prepare for tomorrow and the big drive!

Update: I was unable to add comments to blog. All I can say i guess is that I tried!

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