Majestic Matterhorn

Our hotel was so cute in Zermatt, it was almost hard to leave. We did have a nice morning. We all headed up the worlds highest cogwheel railroad up to Gornergrat. The views of the mountains were spectacular. We went up at least 5000 ft to the peak where we got amazing views of the Matterhorn. Which is impressive, although I must admit that by the time you are actually up there it isn't too much higher than the rest. But we did wander around the mountain and climbed right up to the top of the viewing platform. Of course after we climbed the one section one of the other ladies popped out of the elevator that the rest of us didn't see!

After that we went back to Zermatt to wander around and have lunch. The thing that I found so funny is that everyone was so saddened that in this cute little village up in the mountains would have a McDonald's. We felt a little sad going there but there weren't too many other options that were in a realistic price range. And we found most of the group there having lunch. McDonald's has been in nearly every town we've visited. They feel a little like a plague.

We took our third train ride for the day back down to Tasch and continued our journey onto Montreux, located on the French speaking side of Switzerland.

Wow is it swanky here. We all have these beautiful panoramic views of lake Geneva and are across the street from the Fairmont hotel! We went for a walk down the lake front and all the flowers and trees are in bloom and everything is lush and gorgeous. The only catch is that there isn't too much else to do. There is a chateau we could visit that was free but it was a far walk and we don't have a lot of time today.

Tomorrow we hit country number 6 (I am choosing to not count being in Heathrow as counting as visiting a country). We get to take the train to Paris where we will have a city tour and get to go up the Eiffel tower.


  1. Hey, as to the mickey d's the only way i survived all my trips was the copious Starbucks' everywhere in Britain....


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