Adios Lima

Day 15

It's the last day of vacation.  Well, technically since we leave at 12:30 am tomorrow it's the second last day.  But it's a free day until the flight leaves.

Originally I had thought about doing a city tour. But for less money I could just take a taxi downtown and walk along the ocean so I settled on that instead.  The only thing I missed out on was a tour of the cathedral but I feel like I've seen a lot of churches now.

I really wanted to see the catacombs in Lima.  It was an easy cab ride downtown to the main plaza.  The Saint Francis catacombs are also a monastery with around 45 active members.  The catacombs included a guided tour that included much of the church above the catacombs.  And then you descend through the cemetery below.  There are 3 levels with 25,000 remains.  They did have some bones arranged in areas but the part I found strange was that 99% of what they had out was skulls and leg bones.  The human body has 206 bones.  They picked 5.

Plaza Mayor
There were two plazas connected by a big shopping street.  Once again not too touristy.  But I did have a chicha morada sundae and it was delicious.

The people watching was fabulous as always.  We had tourists taking pictures with the police behind their shields, a dog running around in shoes, and someone wandering in a superman costume.  And on the way out we saw a fight between 2 guys, one swinging his belt at the other guy.  Happy to have seen that from the taxi instead of the street.  Although, I'm sure it was quickly stopped with the police presence in the area.

Dog with shoes
The last stop before heading back to the hotel was a visit to the Parque de Amor, or the Love Park.  They have some really strange statues in the park, including this one of an intimate couple.  We almost walked down here on the first day.  But stopped just before it!  But the ocean views were fabulous again!

And then back to the airport, with another drive through Lima in the dark!  But all in all the trip to Peru has been really fabulous.  I feel like I've seen a huge swath of the country that people don't get a chance to see.  Traveled with a great group of people, even if now a Canadian accent feels a little foreign!

Terry and I with the dirty statue
Thanks as always for reading!  Hope you've enjoyed the stories and pictures and stay tuned for the next holiday!  And go to Peru, it's far more amazing than any story or picture I can show you!

And as a little touch of home on the way back to the hotel I found this poster.  Advertising only Canadian teams and none of them were in the playoffs!

Found my team in Lima


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