Machu Picchu Day

Machu Picchu day is finally here!  Getting here is quite an adventure.  We were up extra early and as the trains travel very slowly it's faster to drive to a closer station.  So we drove an hour and a half to Ollytaytambo and then loaded on the train to Aguas Calientes, also an hour and a half.  And then a half hour bus ride up the mountain and all of a sudden you've arrived!

The train ride was interesting.  They have skylights so you can see panoramic views on your way up.  And after the beverage and snack service the workers dress up and bring their cart of random Peru Rail souvenirs for you to browse.  And the train goes really slowly!

Cloudy Andes
It was a little surreal to arrive up in the mountains with the clouds and fog still settled on the tops of the mountains.  You almost feel like you've arrived into a new world.  But in typical Peruvian fashion the road up the mountain is all switchbacks with narrow single lane roads and terrifyingly high drop offs.  All with a driver trying to beat his record on how fast he can make it to the top!

Machu Picchu
But getting on the path and seeing that first iconic view of Machu Picchu made me understand why a million people a year make this trip.  You're perched up on the top of a mountain surrounded by lush greenery, orchids, hummingbirds and clouds around you with impressive ruins all around you.

We had a 2 hour tour that covered the majority of the site.  We saw sun temples, houses, alpacas, storage units and loads of worn stone stairs.  Our guide told us to go where we could because soon enough they'll have to restrict access to prevent any further damage.

It is an incredible place to walk around.  And a huge statement to the sheer determination of the Incan people to build this settlement and then abandon it.  This is also where the Incan stairs began.  They were something that we walked and climbed on for the next week!  These massive, irregular rocks, worn by years of wind, water and tourists shoes.  You get a good workout and get to practice your balance.  And at the end you can give yourself a fancy stamp for your passport!  Also, you have to show your passport to get in even.

Hummingbird in its nest
Once you've explored the ruins to your fancy, there are a few more areas to check out.  Mostly uphill hikes.  You can go up Wayna Picchu, the hill in the background of the pictures.  But it's incredibly steep, and you have to get a pass to go up.  Of which are limited and only available for 2 times a day, plus an extra fee.  If you can't get the ticket you can do the Inca bridge.  Which has steep dropoffs on narrow walkways.  All to only see a bridge.  So no to both of those.

Trail to get up to the sun gate
The last option, which I did, was the sun gate.  It's a semi intense hike up from Machu Picchu to the gate where you enter at sunrise if you do the 4 day Inca trail hike.  We were told 20% was the Incan stairs, and the rest was on a 30% grade.  It was well worth getting up there.  But it was tough, and warm out that day.  But it was a beautiful, clear day with fabulous views!

The traditional option for getting to Machu Picchu is the 4 day Inca trail.  Which is funny because the Peruvians call hundreds of old trails Inca trails so I suppose in a roundabout way I did the Inca trail!  Just not the one to Machu Picchu.  I think I prefered the way I went!

Survived the Sun gate hike
Aguas Calientes is a very small little town.  It's really only here to get people close to Machu Picchu.  And it's all built right around the train tracks, which meant a few people had a lovely view of the trains coming by.  And the potential to make some new friends!  There are no cars up here, just Peruvian men hauling things around in carts everywhere.  As a bonus our hotel room had a balcony with a lovely river view.

And behind in me in the picture to the left is the winding road we took to get up the mountain!  Lots of switchbacks.

Machu Picchu again
Drop off  to nowhere in the ruins

Alpacas grazing in Machu Picchu
Urubamba river from the hotel


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