New Day, New Trip

Hello again all!  It's a travel time of year again.  This year, if the headline didn't give it away, I'm off to Rome!  It's in Italy, this is a question I've been asked far more than I was comfortable with...

For some housekeeping stuff, I think that I'm going to primarily do the majority of the blogging when I get home.  So then I can include pictures and the like.  But feel free to check in as I'm hoping to do some mini blogs along the way.  Otherwise I'll be home on the 25th and will start soon after.

It's going to be a quick week in Rome with my Mom.  We're doing it old school, as in no bus tour.  Just plane tickets and a hotel reservation.  But we do have a day trip to Pompeii booked, and train tickets to head north to Pisa (yes, of the leaning tower!) and Florence.  I'm sure we won't spend nearly as much time as we want there but that's the catch with travelling, you get to see a little but never as much as you want.

But here I go again, and I'm hoping to whine less about Air Canada this time.  But I make no promises!


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