fancy pants palm trees

Day 1

I have successfully  made it to San Jose, Costa Rica.  The weather is lovely.  I am inside because the WiFi doesn't work too well outside and it is a little windy.  But aside from that I am enjoying the palm trees, bougainvillea and general tropical delights.

This trip I flew with united.  I've never traveled  with them before but they  had a really stellar deal where  it was cheaper to fly business class with united than a one way ticket on the same flight with air canada. Oh air Canada, I still hate you a little.  But business class is something I could get used to.  Actual meals with silverware, free movies and drinks in real glasses.  I also took advantage of the lounges.  They aren't as exciting as I would have expected but it's nice to have a quieter spot to go to with free drinks and snacks. But they did have good service and I enjoy how much info the pilots share with the passengers.  I like being in the loop.

today was really just a travel day so I haven't done much exciting other than wander the grocery store and sit by the pool.  Still better than sitting at home!

Tomorrow is our first travel day, I'm off to the Poaz volcano and a coffee plantation.  And I imagine more pool time.


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