rivers and iguanas

I really enjoyed this story from our guide and wanted to share it because what a great idea he accidentally came up with.

It's all about a tree that grows iguanas.  It doesn't actually grow iguanas but years ago there was a fruit seller who would feed the iguanas his leftover and overripe fruit he couldn't otherwise sell.  This started from a few iguanas to a few hundred iguanas.  He realized that the tourists would stop and take pictures of the iguanas and buy more fruit from him instead of someone else.  This ingenuity has led him from having a humble fruit stand to a large restaurant and souvenir store because so many people are excited about the iguanas.  Now you can eat there and you get a plate of fruit and the iguanas eat with you.  I'm not going to lie, if dinner with iguanas was an option at home I would do it.  Sadly, we had no time to have lunch or even pictures with the iguanas, only from the bus while driving by.  But they estimate there are about 200 iguanas living right at the restaurant.

So amusingly enough the trees are filled with iguanas you can see from the road while driving by.

Otherwise our day was filled with a river cruise.  We saw quite a bit, including howler monkeys who howled form us.  We went up the Rio Frio to the border with Nicaragua.  I can tell I sat on the right side because I've officially pinked.  All the old ladies here are very concerned for me but don't realize that this is normal for me.  I either stay really white or go red.  The only middle ground I have is at home during the summer and in get a slight tan over 3 months.  At least people will believe me when I say I was somewhere tropical!

No hanging bridges, finally found the tour guide who said that we are going tomorrow.


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