Border crossings

Today was another successful day.  The real highlight was seeing Liz!  But we had a pretty good, and busy day.

Breakfast was lovely, that I had alone, but I did enjoy the unlimited juice and waffles.  Good way for me to start the day.

We started the day with Dinosaur mini golf.  I'm such a sucker for mini golf and this one was dinosaur themed with a volcano and everything.  I also played decently for once so it was a fun moment.  We also did lunch at the rainforest cafe.  Which is so so cheesy, but in a good way.  I enjoy the atmosphere and was amused at how impressed they are that they are the ONLY location with a shark.  It's just a little shark but he is there!

Afterwards we hit the butterfly conservatory which was really exciting.  We even had some land on us!  Which seemed to be what many people were trying to do but were unsuccessful.  It was much more exciting than it seemed to be, and the guy running the till was super excited to talk hockey with us.  They had a big variety of butterflies and the gardens were pretty impressive as well.

Then we had the real excitement of crossing the border.  It went pretty good, he did want to check out the trunk after we told him we weren't bringing anything with us.  But it's kinda hard to tell these people that we've known each other since elementary school and all I want to do is see where my friend lives.  That's all.

But I did get a lovely mini tour of the Buffalo area.  And all the little towns that have grown together.   I've seen her new house and her old house now.  Sadly, we were a little too late to go up to see the city from the city hall.  And this is one of the fanciest city halls I've seen.  Usually they're just little buildings jammed in somewhere, but this one was incredibly tall and really ornate.  Go Buffalo with the fancy city hall.

We also toured around the harbour front area which was really pretty.   Watched a giant Zumba in the park class in the park.  To sure if I'd want to work out with all the people watching but they had quite a few people show up.  After we had a really nice dinner and walked along the harbour, which even in the dark was really nice.

The part I'm most impressed about was Liz crossing the border 4 times!  And all successfully!  But I was disappointed that I wasn't welcomed back into Canada, they tell me that most times, it makes them a little more personable than the Americans.  

But it was a busy day with lots of excitement.  Tomorrow I'm heading up to Toronto but have the day free to explore.  I'm hoping to make some stops along the way on the drive north, there seems to be some good things to see along the way.  Still trying to decide what to do in Niagara Falls, I was thinking about crossing the Rainbow bridge for the view of the falls but with it being September 11th I think I'm going to avoid the border.  But I might meander down to one of the towers and check out their observation floors and get the panoramic view.

But I'm off to prepare for tomorrow and try to get some sleep!


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