By air, by sea, by land

Today was a tiring day.  You look at the maps and the provinces all look so tiny.  But they aren't.  I headed up to cape Breton island today, which is really pretty,  it's almost like the foothills but far more lush.  I went up for a puffin tour, sadly few puffins.  I guess everything is ahead by about two weeks, including the whales and the plants and flowers.  Which was unfortunate.  But I still got to see a ton of birds and seals.  And they even fed some bald eagles which was really interesting to watch,  I would really like to come back in prime season one day, the tour operator said that the islands we saw today would be u nrecognizable.  Maybe I can come back and do the miners museum too!  I really wanted to go as you get to go down into a mine but I decided that the extra 3-4 hours it would take was too much.  Instead I took the long and "scenic" route back.  It wasnt really that scenic as the small towns here don't have anything much in which to lure tourists.

I'd had enough of driving so I clarified the ferry rules.  It's free to come onto the island by ferry or bridge and you only have to pay on your way out.  The Internet was confused.  But it does mean that if you are a one way passenger it's first come first serve,  luckily it was quiet so I had no problems,  and got to ride the ferry which was a fun adventure into itself.

Otherwise I headed to Charlottetown.  PEI is really scenic and filled its farms.  I'm excited to explore the island tomorrow.  The hotel is also really nice and historic.  It's nice staying in independent hotels where the owners really care and put extra effort in making your stay fabulous!

Off to bed now for a fun filled
Day on the island.


  1. Oh please tell me that you are going to Anne of Green Gables house! That is what I would do if I was in PEI and I am living vicariously through you!
    Sounds like a great trip so far! Have fun!


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