Almost Off!

It's been pointed out to me that I haven't updated the blog lately!  So here is a little something for you all.

Only 2 more nights until I depart.  Is starting to feel incredibly real that before the weekend I'll be in Greece!  I did have to laugh today when I was getting some money (I know I left it late...) but the teller asked if I was going to Turkey too.  As lovely as a place as it might be the civil unrest makes me think its not so much of a good destination.  But it is far enough from the areas in Greece that I'm  visiting that I'm not really that concerned.  The guidebooks are also a little sketchy on parts of Greece as well.  Not so much with the unrest, though I've heard they protest a lot, but it's friendly, I like to call it Canadian style protesting but a little more.  But it seems that the austerity measures have impacted the tourism a bit.  But things like the museum hours are shortened.  Which I've already learned.

I don't really have what appears to be a lot of free time but the day I arrive I have from 10:30 am when I arrive to 6 pm when we have welcome drinks.  So I was planning on checking out the National Archaeological Museum.  It's supposed to be fabulous and I'm a nerd like that.  And it's in walking distance from the hotel.  Sweet.  But it's only open until 3 and they start to kick you out earlier than that.  So it might be a really short visit.  But it's only 7€ so I can't complain that much.  And the getting out and about should really help the jet lag!  Otherwise I'm hoping to visit the Plaka, which is the touristy area just around the Parthenon.  They have tons of remains and walking paths for it all.  And they have a shiny new metro system thanks to the Olympics which I'm hoping works to my benefit as my hotel is a little away from the touristy areas what with the tour buses needing extra space and all.

But it should be a busy week of lots of ancient ruins and Greek scenery.  And while this is a lovely time of year in Edmonton (sad to be missing all my plants doing their things), Greece is hot and sunny for all of June.  I think they have 2 days of rain at most, and it will be around 30 the whole time.


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