Stairway to Heaven

The Internet is a little spotty here so things might be a little strange...  But that's nothing new!

Was another exciting day.  We headed north to Meteora home of the monasteries in the sky.  It was a bit of a ride again but we did get enough stops to keep us occupied.  Our first stop was at a gas station that had 2 peacocks and pigeons in a cage around back.  Random combination.  But a nice diversion.  Most of the gas stations aren't nearly as exciting or as big as at home so there isn't too much to do other than a bathroom break.

After that we had a quick pit stop at the location where the Spartans were defeated as depicted in the movie 300.  So we had a quick walk around and picture opportunity.  They have a plaque where it happened and a big commemorative wall monument.  But because the Spartans were a military society they left very little behind to be studied.

We also had time and lunch in Kalambaka, the village at the foot of the mountains.  I was really picturesque but again you can see how the Greeks are struggling with the financial issues.  So many stores were empty and boarded up and there were very few people around other than the few bus tours coming through.

After lunch we headed up to see the monasteries.  They were built up on the top of all the rocks and s usually only accessible by massive sets of stairs or baskets being lowered.  Some still are.  We visited two, one with monks and one with nuns.  They are all very ornately decorated with frescos and wood carvings and all that.  It was worth the visit to go up and see.  And of course included the crazy narrow switchbacks to get up there!

The first one involved 125 stairs up, which isn't as difficult s it sounds.  But we got the tour and viewed the bucket and net people used to use to come up.  Can't imagine being suspended that high up in a net!  But the views were lovely and I can see why they picked there to build as it feels so peaceful.  The original hermits actually climbed up and lived in the caves on the rocks.  Can't believe that one either.

The second one, with the nuns this time, was accessible by a bridge.  Although on our way out the gate closed and locked us in for a few minutes...  But it was far more ornate and decorative, and they were starting to paint new scenes in the chapel, which still had a few more spots to go.  But here we did see all the nuns working.  I suppose that is the trade off of these locations.  To keep them running you have to sacrifice, and it does mean that you have to sell trinkets to tourists while they invade what is your home.

Tonight's hotel is a little strange.  Our guide described it as a labyrinth and I would have to agree.  Did get lost a little and we've all been having to help each other find where we are going.  But it's in a lovely location and so peaceful and quiet which is nice after a long day of touring.

Tomorrow we head back to Athens for the last day of touring.  We have one more stop, at Thermopylae.  I'm not too familiar with this location and have a suspicion that it is only on the tour because of its location between here and Athens.  But I'm sure it will be a worthwhile stop anyways.  I'm not entirely sure what time we will return to Athens, but there is a dinner so I'm guessing not too late.  My plan for tomorrow night instead of the expensive dinner is to head to Lycabettus hill.  It is closer to the hotel than I realized and one of the other fellows on the tour said that it is really worth the climb, and the Internet tells me that it is a popular destination for sunset watching so it is open late.  Not that I really want to wander the streets of Athens alone at night.  But it is one of the taller hills and has an overpriced cafe and church up top.  You can either climb the stairs, there are a lot, or you can ride the fununcular up for a few euros.  I think I might take a ride up and walk down to get the views on the way.  I think it will be a fabulous end to the trip.

I have a feeling that Friday will be an early start for me.  I don't leave until noon but I still have to get there before the flight


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