Jet lagged in Athens

Jet lag has officially kicked in!

I am finally in lovely Athens.  It seemed like it was going to be rainy but by the time I had gotten degrimed from the airplane it was a sunny and balmy 25C.  It's also so nice that they embrace the metric system here.  It's just weird seeing everything metric unlike our random system in Canada.

Flight wasn't too bad.  Much to my dismay it was a plane ride from the 90's and we had no seat back entertainment.  Honestly air canada, you really expect me to watch the projection that is way too big for the screen for almost 10 hours.  So I slept.  It was a bit of a rough landing but they did warn us of the turbulence.  But I promise I'm done bitching about air canada for the moment.  It's just I'm tired and they are my biggest irritation.

The Athens airport is a special place.  They actually have barricades at the customs exit to keep the people from greeting the arrivals right in the door, and there were several people with flowers even.  And here I'm impressed when it isn't snowing and I have a ride, no mom, I don't need flowers upon arrival!

The hotel isn't too bad.  It's in a nice location and I've explored a little bit.  I'm not making good decisions with my jet lag though.  The museum page was updated and now the museum is open until 8 pm.  Had lots of time but read the map wrong and went for a semi scenic walk the wrong damn way!  I did find cheap hot dogs and ice cream and a grocery store which was delightful.  And I didn't get hit by any cars!  There were a few close calls but I've gotten the hang of Athens streets.  So my plan tomorrow is to hit the museum without any time constraints and get some sleep tonight.  Sounds like a fabulous plan to me.

I did find the rooftop garden and pool.  It's a nice little area with beautiful views of Athens.  Can't see the Acropolis so I won't be walking down there!  Athens is a strange city, it's built in the midst of all these mini hills so there are multiple hills just in the middle of neighbourhoods with houses built up the side.  Big change for this prairie girl!

But I'll leave you with a picture of the view from my room.  I can sense your jealousy from here!

Update: yeah, I'm terrible with technology and the picture didn't show up.  It's a sad picture because the view is of a wall and the tiny alleyway filled with balconies!


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