Athens part 2

Part two.  Due to some technical difficulties with my iPad not letting me scroll down here is the rest of my post!

Back to the museum.  I like bones and mummies and all that.  Pottery shards are a little dull.  Even miscellaneous gold stuff gets dull after awhile.  But I was really happy to have made it and I did walk through it all.  It wasn't nearly as big as I expected.  I did enjoy some of their descriptions.  They had a bowl of marble marbles, and called them marble spheres.  Very technical.  It makes you wonder what future generations will do to describe our remnant crap.  Also the museum is in a protected building.  The entire building is filled with marble.  Marble floors, marble stairs, marble walls.  They also have a lot of marble sidewalks that are in poor condition so you have to walk carefully.  Several people wiped out on the acropolis due to the marble parts of the ground.

I did eat at McDonald's.  But they have free bathrooms and fast reliable food.  I could have eaten there for less than 6€ or go out tonight and be extra tired tomorrow for a little less than 60€.  Also they've informed us the meal is veal, not paying that much for meat I don't want to eat.  But it is always an experience at McDonald's.  today my surreal part was listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers in a McDonald's in Athens.  But it's not just the American takeover.  As we landed I discovered that the ikea is right along the runway.  Thats how I was welcomed to Athens, but ikea!

My Greek is disturbingly sad.  They do have English as a required subject but I still hate being the girl who speaks nothing of the language.  Right now I can say hello and thank you.  I use thank you a lot and the Greeks seem to really appreciate it.  I'm not sure if it is that they are surprised the American is saying thanks, if they are excited I went to the effort to learn something or if thank you just isn't part of the general Greek society.  But I'm a polite Canadian and like using my bare bones Greek!

Cars and trucks.  The Greeks would have such a culture shock.  I passed a Honda dealership today was was probably smaller than my yard.  They fit a few tiny little cars inside.  And here at home the car dealers just keep getting bigger and bigger.  Soon you will need a car just to get around them.  But there cars are very small.  And the few trucks I've seen we're probably smaller than my car, and my car isn't that big!  I'm not used to not seeing trucks everywhere!

And today's strangest moment of the day.  I was just below the acropolis enjoying a frozen strawberry lemonade when an ambulance came by.  I guess someone's kid was in distress with the heat so they needs assistance.  The EMT got out without putting the parking break on.  And I was right in the path.  I was already ready to run when he managed to get it on and the ambulance stopped rolling backwards.  Honestly, what would I tell people, Greece was great until the ambulance ran me over.  Thankfully I am fully insured!!

Tomorrow we start the actual bus portion of the tour.  We cross the Corinth canal, visit: ancient Corinth, Mycenae, Epidaurus, and spend the night in Naplio.  Should be a busy but interesting day!


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